Our Services

Aquaculture Services

Our company offers consultancy services such as all kind of aquaculture system establishment, production, education, organising the specific R & D studies.

Our experiences over the 20 years in the sector allow us finding the solution of the production problems and make predictions & corrections ability.

In this context, our company gives;
Planning Services of All kind of Biological Productions, Broodstock Fish Management and Organization, Larvae, Nursery and Growout Aquaculture, Alternative Species Aquaculture, Fish Growing Productions, Live Feed and Algal Production, Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Fish Production

Fish Hatchery Facilities, all kind of Mechanization Installations of Recirculating Aquaculture (RAS) and Open Systems, Fish Growing Farm Facility, Marine and Inland Cage Systems, Land Base Growing Farm Facilities, Planning and Installation Services of Fish Processing Facilities, Feed and Food Machinery Installation, Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Facilities Installation.

Project Estimate and Pre-feasibility Services System Revision and Improvement Services Profitability Analysis of the Production Systems

For further information please examine our catalog and contact us.